Friday 27 March 2020

Read Theory - How to Join Our Class


I've had a few emails from you about how to access our 'One Odd Bunch' Read Theory classroom.  I've put together this video to help you.  Hopefully this answers any questions that you might have.

Keep safe with your 'family bubble',
Mrs Croll

Update - 15.4.20

If you have not - ever - never had a Read Theory account, then you will need to create one of these first, before joining our class.   REMEMBER to make sure that first, your device is logged in as your Sunnyhills School email account. You can then select 'Log in with Google'.

Then you can follow the instructions from the video below.  From the top of the home page, select 'My Teachers' then go to the bottom of the page and type in our Class Code which is WB30SL4W 

Wednesday 25 March 2020

A Message from Mrs Croll

My holiday message video to you. This was about the 12th take as I'm not very good... yet!  Hopefully my video skills will improve over time as this will be our way of communicating during the 'remote learning' period.  See you all back here on Wednesday 15th April.

Well-being During Lockdown

This is one of the places that I'll be going to during lock down. For me, preparing the soil, planting seedlings and seeds - both vegetables and flowers, will help me to get through this unusual time that we have ahead of us.

What are you planning to do?  Will you be playing games, finding a cosy space in which to curl up and read, improving your photography and video skills, making something with all that paper and cardboard that's lying around or building the most epic scene ever with Lego?  

The opportunities are endless... you just need to look. 

Tuesday 3 March 2020

Swimming for Survival

We all know that New Zealand is not only surrounded by water, there are also many rivers, lakes and pools. It's therefore really important that we learn water safety skills so that we can manage to get ourselves out of danger, should we fall into the water or get caught in a rip.

Lynley, from Drowning Prevention Auckland, visited Sunnyhills School to support both the learners and teachers with water safety skills. These skills included survival strokes (which are quite different to the usual swimming strokes) that conserve energy, flotation with life jackets and sculling.  We also used paddle boards to create turbulent water and then tried to swim through it.  This was really hard!

The favourite activity for most of us was creating a whirl pool. It was always a lot of fun to move in a circle as quickly as we could, then put our feet up to float down the 'rapid'.

Creating turbulent water