Friday 11 September 2020

Community Care

Every class at Sunnyhills School has a role to play when it comes to looking after our school's environment.  Room 1 is responsible for cleaning up the pathway between Rooms 1 & 2 and the hall, as well as along the boundary fence line at the end of our field.  

There were many weeds growing in the garden on the bank behind Room 1, so we decided to spend some time to pull out as many weeds as we could - and pick up any rubbish (fortunately there wasn't too much).  It has been raining recently, so the ground was relatively soft which made it easy to pull out the weeds.  Also, it was a gorgeous spring day so we were quite happy to spend some time outside of our classroom.

We filled up many paper bags with weeds and the bank looks much better than it was. 

Community Care 👍

Friday 4 September 2020

Narrative Starters

Sometimes it's difficult to start writing a story. We get a 'brain block' and stare at the blank sheet of paper while time ticks on.  This can happen to all of us.  So, this week, we have been learning about different ways to start our story writing with 'great beginning strategies'.  These are:

  • Action and dialogue
  • Ask a question
  • Describe the setting
  • Begin with background information
  • Have the main character introduce himself or herself
We had a go at using each starter strategy with the same photo prompt.  Here are our 'action and dialogue' starters.  

Now that we have a few story starters to consider when beginning our story writing, we hope to not be faced with that problematic blank piece of paper again. 

Friday 28 August 2020

Cross Country (and Apple Clips)

 I've taken some time during Lockdown to follow some of my own passions and explorations.  One of these was to learn how to use Apple Clips.  This is a cool way to produce and share short videos and photos with others.  I wonder how we could use it in class to share our learning and understanding of new concepts?  Perhaps it could be used to upload learning evidence to Spotlight?  I'm looking forward to seeing what the learners in Room 1 create.

Morning Meeting - Friday 28th August