Wednesday 5 February 2020

Musiqhub Entertainment

Today we went to the hall to listen to Barry, Shaun and Jordan present instruments in front of the Year 3-6 learners.  They were there to present instruments that we might want to learn to play.

First, Shaun played some brass instruments - saxophone, clarinet, trombone, flute and trumpet. He recorded a tune from each instrument then replayed them on a 'loop'.  Some of the songs that he played The Mandalorian: 'Baby Yoda' theme from Star Wars, Bad Guy, Eye of the Tiger (Eye of the Trumpet :) and the theme song from Frozen. His favourite song was 'You Can Call Me Al'.

Next, we listened to Jordan who played the ukulele and electric guitar.  He entertained us with many songs - including the Star Wars theme and Final Countdown.

Finally, Barry played the theme from Harry Potter, Under the Sea, Beauty and the Beast and Avengers End Game on the keyboard.

This trio were amazing!  They left many of us inspired to also learn to play an instrument.

Camp Preparation

Learning in Week 2 of Term 1 was mainly focused around preparing for camp.  This afternoon we met up with our camp group buddies, then broke away into two groups to put up one of the camp tents. This is an important job, because we needed to check that all the gear was in the tent bag and that there were no breakages.

We were first shown how to put up a tent, then we worked collaboratively to put up our own group's tent. It was really tricky bending the pole into the metal piece in each corner and some of the tents were so high that we were challenged to get the tent fly over the tent, once it was up.  Well, we thought these were the difficult parts, but getting the tent, poles and fly back into the tent bag proved to be the most difficult of all!

Threading through the poles
Working collaboratively

Connecting the poles to the base
Will it fit back in the bag?

Happy campers!